The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
That was a wonderful and unusual story! I loved it! It had drama, suspense, and a bit of humor! But it can't be the end; I have so many unanswered questions.
What WAS the information the Brotherhood wanted her to get from Logan? Why can they now touch? Will she have his powers now? Is little James' mutation active? How will the others react to them being a couple? Will the Brotherhood try to get revenge on Rogue for turning "traitor"? All those questions and more could be answered in a sequel! *wink, wink*
Author's Response: I will admit, I completely fudged the "information the Brotherhood wanted", I couldn't come up with anything so I just kind of avoided specifics... - Logan hit the nail on the head with his theory that James was the key to them being able to touch, he's part of both of them which taught her skin Logan was 'safe', her skin still ensures her survival though, so when she was 'dying' her skin took from Logan to heal her. - No, James' mutation is not active, I was kind of playing off Logan's canon of being a sickly child until his healing kicked in, so James was 'sick' because he was allergic to... lots of things. - Maybe a sequel, one day, I'm trying to finish some other fics before starting new ones though!