The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
typo alert: it's Nein not Nien
I just love this. The relationship between Rogue and Kurt is promising. I could tell that he got to her. also I love how Logan doesn't seem to want to Kill Rogue even though she tried to kill him. I also love how you are carefully and slowly bring out elements of Rogues past that help us like her and understand why she is such a raging bitch. Don't get me wrong I LOVE the raging bitch that she is but it is nice to know what happened to make her so hard. I haven't made up my mind on Xavier. In one sense I don't like him for keeping secrets but i can't decide yet if he kept them for good reasons or for his own selfish ones. I am leaning towards selfish ones at the moment but who knows my mind could change with the next chapter....which i hope is coming soon!! all in all great chapter. Very entertaining! LOVED IT! More please!
Author's Response: Thanks.
Oh, I love the idea of Kurt being the one to 'turn Rogue around'!
Author's Response: Thanks.