The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000's a helluva town!!
Long live the king! Loved the story..thanks for the fic..and the typos...added..character lol
That was hott. I need a cold shower.
Wow, that was a really great scene :D
You said you don't like writing smut but frankly it's one of the best I've read here! It felt fresh compared to a lot of stuff that just seems repetitive. You managed to be highly descriptive whilst avoiding a lot of the overused phrases that make me cringe ;)
Could have done with a beta read though as there were quite a lot of wrong words dotted around.
Thanks for sharing :)
Ya gotta love this story. It's perfect for V-day or any day because its got it all, lust, love, humor, and enough sexual tension to fill a shipping container!
Great job!
Author's Response: Thank you. :D lol, I dunno how 'tense' they were sexually. I think they'd just about 'massaged' all that out. <3
Wait...lemme get my breath. That was hot! Sigh. Thanks.
Author's Response: You're welcome. :)
Holy hotness. For someone who doesn't like writing smut you sure are good at it! Loved it!
Love that line of Logan's. LOL Long live the king. just LOL
Author's Response: I dunno. I just sort of feel I don't do smut justice. It always sounds like cheap porn to me whenever I try. -.-' Heh. That Logan's snarky after sex. XD~
Well happy birthday to me - damn hot story ^_^
Yeah the V-Day is my B-Day.
Gonna clain my V-Day/B-Day sex now *runs after boyfriend*
Author's Response: lol, happy B-Day! :D I hope he's twice as good for the occasion.