The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Mothers come in all shapes and sizes, don't they? It's good to know that even Wolverines have a nurturing instinct. Nice job. --Wendie
Wonderfully writen. Really enjoyed reading it.
Hugs, Free.
LOVED IT!!! Oh, Jo..I haven't been on in what seems like forever, and this little foray into the not so popular side of what Logan and/or the team must do at times was a perfect re intro. Beautiful!
I liked it! Great detail - I could smell the brandy. I wanted apple crumble. Of course, I also want Logan, but hey - you take what you can get, and this gives a lot.
Author's Response: Hey I have a great recipie if you want it and the brandy in the tea mum used to do it when we were ill and it's *always* worked to make us feel better. So glad you enjoyed it.
I never tire of reading your stories that was great. Poor Logan having to go through that on his own. I like Katherine she's like the mansions agony aunt.
Author's Response: Katherine is a lot like me, she cropped up in a fic that doesn't really fit here but she's also in Lupa which I think is on here. Let me know what you think of her in there, she's not entirely mumsy but then the best mothers rarely are. Thanks for telling me what you think honey it's appreciated.