The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Yeah what will Rogue do?
Author's Response: You will find out shortly.
Ohhhh she should stay! Jean would 'LOVE' that! LOL I love this fic! You had me sniffling from the first paragraph of this chapter! I am so glad she woke up! I want more, I need more! update soon!!!!!!!! Please??!!
Author's Response: Yeah, Rogue should stay just to piss Jean off. Thanks, with a bit of luck (what I seem to be lacking of late) the next chapter should be ready early next week.
STAY!! and make jean's life hell!
Author's Response: That does seem to be the general consensus.
She should stay just to piss off Jean and show her that she can get Logan lol.
Love this chapter cant wait for the next one
Author's Response: Thanks. I'll be working on the next chapter this weekend, so with a bit of luck it should be ready early next week.
He he, great chapter!
I love how Jean tries to get her grubby hands on Logan ;)
Plus the humorous bickering that ensues.
Particularly like the line when Rogue tells Kurt that she "don't want ta" love Logan.
Author's Response: Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter :)