The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Ahhh!!!! Please write more!! :3
Noooo!!! What happened to "posted tomarrow night?!?!"
still waiting for the smutty goodness!What's up with that?You are taking dragging out your foreplay to cruel heights.
James? James!! Nuh-uh!! No!! I do not care what "great revelations" have transpired during the Quesada era or what the current Marvel machine wants to do with a loved character. I do not know this James Howlett, whoever he is. My Wolverine will always be Logan...just Logan.
cant wait for more
damn it where is the NC-17 part!
It was getting so good and it stopped! You have a talent for ending it just at the right part... and I love that!
Waiting for that update patiently... well not patiently you get my drift lol
Author's Response: I know, i know, i suck LOL! i had a very rough patch at work (almost got laid off, yikes!) and lost my focus. but this weekend i'm going to write the NC17 part i promise!