The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
holy crap i loved the twist!
That is exactly how the third movie should have ended!
Seriously, how cool would it have been if after seeing Rogue in line for the cure then bam! she is standing amongst fire at the battle not having taken the cure, epic right?
Well i like it... Very interesting chapter!
I like the twist that Rogue killed Jean. In fact, I think I like that a little too much! And great closing line - ha ha!
i wants next chapter
WHOA! Quite the switch of info here, huh? Rogue being at Alcatraz? Her being the one to have killed Jean/The Phoenix? NOW I understand all the conflict within Rogue for her little dalliance with our favorite feral.
Huh. Interesting development. I guess it's just kind of a shocker at this point in the story. I can't help wondering why she hasn't exhibited the telepathic powers like she should have if she killed Jean. I mean, everyone usually goes on in post-X3 fic that they need a telepath pretty badly, so wouldn't she have seen that and stepped forward? Why is she hiding? These are the things that can keep a person up at night. ;-) I just hope you do some actual, honest-to-Rogan smut soon. Because that's always fun.