The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
This was... very painful to read, so clearly well done.
I just wish you'd write some more... to make me feel better.
Now you *know* what you have to do... Great start, can't wait to read what you have in store.
This is one helluva teaser! I mean, you are teasing us, right? Dangling this delectable carrot in front of us to see who will grab for it...Well, consider me hooked and next time, please, please, please dangle a bigger carrot (read: longer chapter). --Wendie
Seriously, you grabbed my heart from the beginning! I hope you don't plan to leave us hanging!? More Please!!!!!
this is a nice start but way to short (unless youre giving 1 chp per day or something)
Author's Response: Sorry luv, I will try to write more soon!