The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Okay, pretty much everything Jubilee says here is awesome, but especially this:
“So let me get this straight,” Jubes was saying, “You tried to warn Marie that Remy LeBeau is a no-good, honour-free horn-dog? And yet you somehow managed to turn that into You are Unattractive and Too Emotionally Frail To Deal With Adult Life? That about cover it, bub?”
and this:
“We must move beyond the Era of Logan the Growler, of Logan the Semi- Stalker,” She thundered. “We must even move beyond the Era of Logan, the Scruffy Sex God Who May or May Not Turn Up If You and He Make A Date! We must move ourselves into the Era of Logan, the Considerate. Of Logan, the Coordinated. Of Logan, The Only Man Marie Wants To Date. In short, we must move into the Era of Logan The Dancer!
Only you could write a believably bashful Logan. Jubes has a point, not all hairy criminals are likable - just the one laced with adamantium. If they stay in New Orleans long enough maybe Jubilee will singlehandedly make the south rise again.
You can seriously paint a picture with words, hobbit. This is turning into my favorite WIP. Even though I usually hate them, I don't have the attention-span to keep up lol.
My absolute favorite :
"His nerdy sense was now having kittens." Oh, girl, where DO you find them?? Although, Gambit just happens to be hot. Yes, I'm talking "Wolverine-the movie". A bit more body hair and he'd be my favorite. The way it is, Wolvie still holds no. 1.
You've come up with some fairly twisted maneuvers in the past, but this, Hobbit oh Hobbit, takes the Gold Corkscrew every day of the week and twice on Sunday! Peter Parker teaching the Wolverine to dance? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good Lord, if Marie doesn't see how much he loves her after THAT then she never will. Then again, if Spidey pulls this off, I'm sure Kitty will see to it that Logan isn't the only one getting lucky. I positively cannot wait for the dance lesson to commence. Or for what is sure to follow. Sounds like you've got a whole bunch of hot, smexy writing to, chop, chop, woman...Make it so! --Wendie
P.S. Fav line #1: His nerdy sense was now having kittens.
Fav line #2: '...and you can do a dancing Obi-Wan on Logan.' Of course, I'm still not sure which was funnier, the line or the classic male gesture that followed it so swiftly. (Ain't mental pictures grand?) --W.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha! Go For The Kill! Or world domination, whatever floats your boat. Damn! That was the perfect amount of hairy wonderful that I needed. Thank effing you!