The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
I love the McGuyvering escape years in the making. It gives some serious depth to your girl. The insecurity and constant need for music and Norbert are fantastic. I love this girl's twitches and bumps. I hope you don't mind becoming my newest obsession. You may need to take a passing glance at restraining order laws and all that. Cheers.
Author's Response: I like people so I'm probably more apt to give you cookies than file a restraining order. I'm glad you are enjoying the story.
I loved Marie's Big Plan! She thought of everything, didn't she?? ...but I can hardly believe the girl's TWENTY! Wow... four years of solitary confinement; no wonder the girl's off her rocker!
I'm sure you'll make the Big Meeting b/w Rogue & Jubes, Wolvie & Co. sufficiently interesting. You have talent!
OK, i have to say I LOVE this Rogue and her quirky point of views. I can't wait to see what happens when the X-Men and this slightly cuckoo-Rogue interact. Please update soon.
Awesome! I am really intrigued and fascinated with this story. I can't wait for more!
whyyyyyyy????!????!!!!? why did you end there!?!? please write more soon
Author's Response: Honestly, because my brain was starting to leak out my ears. Plus, it felt like the right spot. I'm glad you liked it though. Thanks for reviewing!