The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
omg! what an ending for a chapter. EPIC
ahhh very good story. I like the new take on how Logan and Marie meet. I feel so bad for her being locked in an attic and all. :(
See? I was right about the sneaky bit of potent crazy. I love the last line too. Don't know why. It appeals to me though.
The last line was dee-lish ;-D
I always loved Logan's comics-relationship w/Jubes & Kit, so it's a blast to see the threesome @ work here. I hope we see much more of that in future.
...and, so much for "normal"!! Ha ha -- a grown woman being affectionate for a stuffed toy is nutso (reminded me of Tom Hanks' plaintive "Wilson! Wilson!" in Castaway). And then her autistic episode ... it was a terribly pitiful scene; no wonder Logan's girls want to help her.
THe throwaway bit where Rogue is so fascinated by a new song on the radio was maybe your most brilliant moment (very poignant!) ... tied, perhaps, with your utterly unique scenario for how Rogue gets her name. From a Hamlet quote during a schizoid episode! Oh, that's rich!
...btw, I'm most curious about the apparent absorption/psyche that just caused all those problems for Rogue & Logan in the car. Who was that?
Author's Response: I guess you'll have to keep reading to find out won't you? :)
oh i'd be pissed at them for going through my shit if i were rogue. wonder how long wolvie takes before he realizes he really likes rogue? great update, really hope you write more soon! love the hamlet quote too!
Author's Response: Remember when it said "long and mixed up" in the summary. No lies. But I'm sure she'll grow on him eventually. I always liked the idea of love at first sight, but I feel that this Rogue is a little too messed up for that to happen to her. Thanks for reviewing!