The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Your the teacher and i'm the student. I always feel like i'm learning something! a mix of history, geography, self defence is a bit of a stretch but you never know! loving the rituals and traditions and as for the gore? let loose if you need to - i'm not squeamish! however, I understand Logans need to do what he's doing but i don't know if an all out bloodbath is in keeping with the reason for why he's doing this now? at the time it happened yes. justice now but not sure on the level of retaliation, however this is Logan so all bets are off! x
Author's Response: Thanks honey, I needed a perspective on this development and I think you're right. Anger, yes, justification yes, but gore? I'm not so sure he'll need it. Pure Spite and Hatred yes, there were many ways to make an enemy suffer and Logan has history in the Islands himself. So hopefully the last chapter of his retribution shouldn't be all about gore, suffering yes, hatred yes, even honour as well. So thanks so much for letting me know, I didn't want to spoil the mood of this piece and I think gore would have. Hugs Jo xx