The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
‘it felt like it had been cherished, nurtured,’ ‘ A good dream to battle the darkness that took over his nights’ Loved Logan’s admission of his dream and the above lines you used were exactly how it came across whilst reading. Also love that both needed practice at being close, that although for Marie it was all new, in a way it was for Logan too.
As for ‘the Wedding Afternoon’ - so much about this felt ‘right’. Nothing was rushed, we had hesitation, exploration, learning, a slow pace gradually building into need.
[Was it wrong that when Marie was looking from head to toe I was too? It was a very nice visual; in fact I liked it so much I looked again!]
All finished off with what seems to be a speciality of yours – one superb ending - ‘a miracle enough to be married, the rest he'd say thanks for in the long run.’
Jo I really did enjoy this, I’m glad you made sense of my ramblings let alone found them useful! It really worked for me in this fic, there was just something about the farrier and the rings that really did stick with me from the beginning. As for the epilogue – I’m in two minds about that, although I’d love to read more I wouldn’t say it needs it, up to this point it would still read and feel like a complete story. However, you write it so well that by the time I’ve read the epi I’ll probably be telling you to ignore the fact I ever said it could be complete!
I usually hate being pulled into WIP's but I 'm so glad I took this ride with you. Well Done!