The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Please don't let this story go by the waste side. I love your Logan and Rogue. Perfectly in character, and wonderful together. I can't wait to read more.
Trying to go back and review each chapter...there's quite a few things I like about this. Of course Rogan is always good, and Rogue's quiet disappointment with Bobby and Kitty and Logan being protective but not over-the-top about it is great. I also really like the Hank/Logan interactions, brief as they are. There is so much that is understood between them, even though they have not known each other for long. And you really get a sense of how Hank's loyalties are torn between loyalty to Xavier and his own sense of what is right.
Author's Response: Thanks alot for reviewing I am working on the next chapter, but at the moment seem to have the stomach flu which accounts for being awake at this ungodly hour. Thank you for looking it over and sending the fixes...Hank was a last minute addition for me. Originally, I had Storm slated to play the kitchen scene, but as I was writing I couldn't see her doing or saying things the way the story needed. Beast was inspiration and I have to say he fit the story so much better than Storm would have.
Some how I can hear the Professor's voice saying that he wanted Logan to remember on his own, that it couldn't be the military that had taken his memory but that the Wolverine was protecting Logan and that is why Logan needed to remember on his own.
I love what you are doing here. I have always enjoyed L/M stories where the Professor is involved. (Good or bad).
I can't wait to hear what Hank has to say.
Author's Response: Thank you for the review. The Professor did say that I think in X-1 and in X-2 there is the Stryker convo that pretty much said he was protecting Logan from his past. However, I have never felt it was justified to with hold personal facts from Logan. I am not seeking to make the Professor into a bad man so much as a man who feels that he is justified in controling everyone around him. It has to be a real ego-trip to be able to read minds and force everyone to do as you say. Xavier is a game player...A stratigest and you know I bet he gets a high from manipulating people around him the hard way. Not with his gift, but through machinations and subterfuge. Thanks again for the comment.
Love the title ;)
Until you've posted more than this short intro, I can't say much, but it's an interesting idea. I'm wondering where Charles would've found this info?
Author's Response: Thank you...I tend to get a title in my head and then I have to write its story. 8o) Don't worry that question is sort of answered in this chapter, but ultimately the full answer is left slightly ambiguous. Remember Charles can make people do anything he wants them to; but that isn't the whole of it.
To say you have upheld my faith in you is putting it mildly. Bravo! Can't wait to read more. It's reassuring to see that I'm not the only person with a less-than-rosy view of Charles.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! You have made my day...I will post the next chapter after I finish revamping Linked, I have to say the Origin movie gave my muse a kick in the keester and I have added the canon of that movie to the Linked story line and it freakin' cured my problems with the plot. rnrnAbout Charles...I must say that when I realized exactly how much Charles knew about Logan I was beyond understanding his thought processes. The only thing I can think is that he thought by doling out crumbs he would be able to keep Wolverine on a leash. rnrnWell, off to finish the last of the changes to Linked and get it posted and then start on the motel scene with Logan and Rogue for To Touch the Moon.rnrnSid aka Kia Mira
I can't wait for more! great work!
Author's Response: Thank you for the review. It rocks my muse...
I really like this and can't wait to see what developed...thanks!
Author's Response: Thanks! My first review in 11 years...You rock!