Reviews For To Touch the Moon
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Reviewer: i-am-the-wolf Signed star star star star half star [Report This]
Date: 02/10/2011 4:15:34 PM Title: Chapter 6: The Storm Before the Calm

Wow. I like this story. I really wasn't so sure about reading it, but I took a chance and I think you really made a great plot by using that particular AU scenario. And I love how you write Hank! But then again, I always love Beast -- I was so happy when they made him a character in X3 XD

-- Wolf

Author's Response: Thank you for giving my humble little fic a chance...I think that is some of the best praise I could have recieved; that you were leary of the fic, but enjoy it anyway. So, thank you again, for giving me a chance.rn

Reviewer: Anami Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/10/2011 2:25:36 PM Title: Chapter 6: The Storm Before the Calm

“It was a medical procedure, furball!” Logan is my hero. Period. As for the prune/prude accident, English is not my first language. Sorry. And now, on with Logan protecting Rogue from evil army, doctors, ex-boyfriends, former bff's, wasps, mosquitoes, spiders, elves with fiery obsession.

Author's Response: I hope you were not offended when I poked fun...Prude/prune...As a typo it was really very cute and I couldn't resist. Yeah, and the next bit is going to be a little longer in coming as I had to work late this evening, but tomorrow is Friday (doin'-da-happy-dance) which means I'll be able to write more.

Reviewer: wudelfin Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 02/10/2011 6:41:26 AM Title: Chapter 6: The Storm Before the Calm

this is so good

Author's Response: Thank you! I appreciate that you took the time to let me know.

Reviewer: Nimriel_Silverwood Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/09/2011 11:55:18 PM Title: Chapter 6: The Storm Before the Calm

“That was thoroughly unnecessary, Logan. All you had to do was say please.”< best line in the entire fic. I can't wait til you update agian!!

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! I live for reviews...Hank was amused by Logan's aggression; poor Wolverine couldn't scare him.

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