Reviews For To Touch the Moon
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Reviewer: Anami Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2011 4:34:46 PM Title: Chapter 9: Mama's Story

With every new chapter I find a new depth in my dislike of Charles Xavier. What a great thing to introduce Mama!!

Author's Response: Thank you! At first Mama was just an extra that really just gave us a bonding moment, but when I sat down with her she had other ideas.

Reviewer: baybelletrist Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2011 12:03:38 AM Title: Chapter 9: Mama's Story

“This ain’t your usual kind of place. They have cloth table cloths and nobody’s screamin’ fer blood.”

*snicker* She's got him there. Fun chapter; thanks.

even Logan’s stomach gave a plaintiff rumble

(Psst... a plaintiff is the person who sues someone else in a civil court case. I think you wanted to say plaintive, which means pathetic or sad.) ;)

Author's Response: Holy cow! I can't believe I did that; I apologize for my mixed up words. I wish I could blame not speaking English as my first language, but really the truth is I can't spell. I have a horrid southern accent that screws with sounding words out and believe it or not that was the only thing spell check came up with. I will now go beat my head on the dictionary. I'm glad you like the story.

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