The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
I liked remy! Playful as always and I love that he teases Logan mercilessly!
Author's Response: Thank you; he had me so worried! I am glad he didn't seem wrong. Thank you for reviewing.
I'm really enjoying this story, normally I hate WIP's but this is a story I'm always excited to see updated.
Author's Response: Awe, thank you! I am glad that you are reading my fic even though it is a work in progress.
You gotta love a shirtless and then jealous Logan. lol Marie and her mom were cute with the way they were drooling over Logan. Heck, who wouldn't be though? ;) Great chapter! :)
Author's Response: Thanks, I appreciate that you liked it. The muse is having fun about now and I hope I can get my next part out tonight. Thank you for your faithful reviews.rn