The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Aw, poor Marie. I hope the Professor can help wean her off of the music!
I really am still loving this. I reread it tonight. I would love to see an update. (hint hint)
Author's Response: One is coming! Thank you for sticking by me. So much love to you!
Oh, the three hags were just sublime. Beautifully written, perfectly paced, so incredibly visual. I could see it perfectly in my minds eye. With regards Marie's explanation of her music and the personalities etc, I would have liked a bit more detail, and perhaps a few more shades of emotion in that. I would imagine sharing like that would be a huge deal for her, almost a catharsis. It did seem a little anticlimatic after the potency of the hag scene. But a very minor quibble - still loving this.
Author's Response: Thanks for letting me know that the end of this chapter didn't settle right. I think sometimes I know the story so well in my head that I see all everything that is written between the lines but I don't always get it all into the text. Also, I think Marie was trying to make it seem like no big deal, so she was just playing it all off to the others and wasn't letting herself feel any of the intense emotions so no one else would see them. I think it's going to become a bigger deal for her later on. Either way, I greatly appreciate knowing what other people think towards my writing and constructive things are amazing to get. Thanks for taking the time to do it! Kiss kiss.
Nice addition and I was happy to see it in my in-box.
Well this is the gal formally known as jenniferjwva, saying:
OH MY GOSH! I LOVE THIS STORY! I have missed it and just to refresh my memory on what had happened, I had to go back and reread the last chapter. lol Sigh... just a lovely story!
I love how Jubilee and Kitty helped Rogue by going into her world and easing her back into "reality". It was very nice.
Very interesting. I love the fine line of madness Marie is walking. Its very interesting. And of course Norbert is my fave char in the story. Great job and update soon~