The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Lots of imagery here. The interaction between Jubilee and Kitty was priceless! No nonsense from these two and it was hilarious! I think I was blushing right along with Rogue! This is where I think I started to fall in love with both Scott and Remy. Knowing what I know now, it makes little nuggets like the airport scene all the more poignant. And Remy is just so sexy. I started to kind of cheer for him here, especially in light of Logan's heavy handed response at the end. But honestly? I still love Logan more.
Author's Response: Again, thanks for this. I really enjoyed bringing the other Xmen into my story, I have a difficult time imagining that just Logan and Marie can interact without everyone else around. Marie's relationship with Jubilee and Kitty is very important to her so their take on her "problem" needed to be exposed, lol.
Thank you for re-reading this story. How wonderful are you?! :)