The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
This was the part of the story where I think I fell in love with it. Your original notes mentioned that you were planning to make this story really different but nothing could have prepared me for this. And I loved it! You are amazing in your ability to really bring your readers into your story I really felt I was there hearing her sing and the reaction of the audience. Plus Rogues/Anina's reaction was powerful stuff. This was a big turning point in your story
Author's Response: Thanks! I remember posting this chapter and thinking 'uhoh, everyone is going to think I am bonkers!' Lol, I did warn people though. Thank you for this review, I am still kind of nervous over how AU and OOC I made Rogue here, but I wanted to take her out of the X-world and explore her life, you know? Kind of like a "What if?" comic. :)