The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Wow, Anna has some issues now that sex god has come back in to her life!!! Love, love, love how she still has the hots for the guy but is fighting it. Good for her! I don't want Scott hurt, he's so good for her!!! And whuhs?!? Whose the angel? What does she/he have to do with anything? The baby died?! :((((
Author's Response: Sex god, lol, yes, Logan is that, isn't he? The angel will make sense, I promise.
What can I say about this chapter? I love how you had Anna step into a maternal/mentor role with Laura and the scene with Logan was heartbreaking( and hot again, you deserve him so good !). The last scene threw me, but now that I read your last chapter, I think your're a genius! This story is so much more than a typical Rogan story, you've made it into a very thought provoking read. It's going to be difficult for me to accept when it's all over.
Author's Response: I deserve him so good? Lol, I think this has become my favourite review (but something tells me that's a typo!) Thanks for your kind words! :)