The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Thank God I am sitting outside for this chapter because yowza, that is freaking hot on top of HOT. Oh man. For this chapter, I needed to picture the Hugh Jackman version of Wolverine, LOL!!! You are a little too good at this stuff!!! So sweet still that Marie has accepted Logan back into her life, the end was so very tender. GREAT JOB!
Yet another beautifully written (not to mention HOT) chapter. Yay! I'm so glad they're finally together. So why do I get this feeling like waiting for the other shoe to drop? You're gonna make somethin' happen to tear them away from their perfect lovey bliss, aren'cha, ya evil author!? Oh well. For now I will revel in it . . . And possibly re-read this chapter before moving on to the next one. (P.S. HA! At Logan stealing all the bacon. That pig.)
Ahem. This was more than just hot. This was naughty, sweet, naughty then sweet. You have a gift for smut and then some.
Author's Response: :) ***blushing madly ****