The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Oh God, this was so funny! And by the way, I really enjoyed this chapters after Rogue's abduction because it showcases who she is/was before Logan found her in Alberta. This is probably who she was before Magneto came along and screwed with her head and also, who she is without Logan running through her mind. No hero worship or anything so I really enjoy their interactions. It's a more level playing field. Very nice take on things. But that BOB thing! Genius!
Author's Response: Thank you, thank you, thank you. That is so true. This is who Rogue is before all that crap that Magneto put her through. Sassy, strong and in your face, someone that Logan saw hints of but never got to know. There is so much more to her than that little girl he rescued, right? Yes, very much a more level playing field, a meeting of equals. Lol about BOB. Couldn't help it. :)