The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
You have a gift, you truly do. This story is so much more than just a Rogan story where they go through misunderstanding after misunderstanding, it's a real story of two people in love and trying to make things work. Rogue is realistically confused, knowing that Logan is in love with Marie and not her, at least, it's believable that she would feel that way. She doesn't remember being anyone other than Rogue and even then, only the person she was before she met up with Logan. How can he expect her to accept their relationship when she has no memory of it? And her being jealous of herself is so bang on. But Logan loves her for who she is, he knows the real Rogue. I ovenbird he apologized, but my favorite part was how he told her that he would stay in her life and that he would always find her. Brilliant scene. It's these things that keep me hooked on this story. Thank you for expressing what they are thinking/going through.
Author's Response: Wow. How can I respond to this review? I am simply stunned. Thank you for your incredible feedback, I cannot tell you what it means to be told how my story comes across and knowing that it is coming across exactly how I hope is so gratifying. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Ovenbird and all, lol (I am starting to really enjoy your typos, lol!) You. Rock. :)