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Reviewer: Crisis Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 08/19/2011 10:35:35 AM Title: Chapter 60 Rush

Yet another chapter of fantasticalness. I love how powerful Rogue seems to be and how Xavier is under her control. The conversation between Logan and Emma was amazing, nice to see how Scott might have a chance of moving on with someone else. But the end had me freaking. I wanted to tear out Auroras hair myself! So much stuff happening here, you are doing such a great job bringing everything together. In the beginning of this story you touched on Itsu and the pregnancy and then you touched on the angel and now everything is a about to hit the fan. It's much better reading this story all on one shot to keep all the plots subplots in the forefront of my mind. I'm catching all the points I had forgotten about. Poor Logan. You sure aren't making it easy for any of them. Love the French - I was proud of myself for being able to follow without referring to your end notes! Until tomorrow ( and hopefully you've updated your epilogue by then pretty pretty please?)

Author's Response: My new favourite word is fantasticalness, lol! Love it! I had to throw some more fellow Canadian's into the mix and Aurora is one of my faves. My French is brutal but so far, no one's complained (although they are more than welcome to!!!) but can I tell you, once again, that your reviews are awesome? I have so many things going on in this story, true, and Itsu was always a big part of it but I didn't want too much focus on her earlier because I knew Logan and Marie had so much more to go through. Thank you for this. Epilogue is still in the works, but it should be done soon. Promise. :)

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