The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
I just read your response to an chapter 22 (? I think) and just woke my husband w/ my gasp of glee (okay more like a shout... really, just an eek). My mind is blown right now... only 1/2 point, sequels already planned?!?!? I love you. I'm not ashamed to admit it :-D
Author's Response: Awwww I just found this review! I love you too! :D
This is really great I can't wait to read more.
Author's Response: Thanks so much!! Hopefully a lot more chapters coming up this weekend. :D
Your story is amazingly awesome! I love kick ass Rogue and feral Wolvie/Logan, the fact that you put them in a lab setting is the cherry on top!
Author's Response: Thanks so much!! I'm glad your loving it!! I know I'm loving writing it! It looks like its going to end up being a series and I'm thinking of doing some short story "Origins" about how Wolverine and Rogue each ended up in the lab to begin with, but first things first and that's continuing on and finishing up this story. :) Glad to have you along for the ride!
This is a FANTASTIC premise. Keep writing, please! Don't hesitate. You're really onto something.
Author's Response: Thanks! When I first started thinking about actually writing a story (instead of just reading) I had that quote from Julius Caesar rattling around in my head over and over due to the song from Saltillo (search Youtube for Saltillo - A Necessary End and you'll find it) and it sort of sparked a candle. Hopefully it'll work out into something worth while. :)