The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
uh oh... how well (and quickly) will be rogue be able to adjust to sabertooth in her head? i do have to say, that stunt was clever of victor, probably healed her faster than waiting for rogue to agree.
i loved the opening with logan thinking about rogue's real name, it was sweet but realistic and not ooc. really enjoyed the chapter! and can i just say, you deserve a fanfiction author gold medal for updating so frequently! it's freaking awesome!
Author's Response: Thanks!! I know I tend to avoid reading Uncompleted stories just because there's always that risk that the author will never finish and there's nothing worse then getting caught up in a really good story only for it to just never finish, or go on hiatus for like months, so I'm trying to be really good about it. But there's no worries about us not reaching an ending with this one because I already have the last three chapters written, I'm just working on connecting where we are now, to there, and there's quite a bit of distance to cover, but I promise we'll get there. :)