The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Epiv battle scene coming up? WOOT
Author's Response: Yes well, Sabertooth doesn't want to be seen like a big softy and after that last chapter he feels like he's got some blood letting to do to make up the dent to his bad boy image.. :D
aw. now i kinda feel bad for victor. it's like he wants rogue but doesn't know how to go about getting her (at least willingly). would he turn her over to magneto if she picked him? i'm not sure. maybe i'm just a softie... ;-)
Author's Response: Yeah, he's really struggling with the whole situation b/c he's never gone through anything like this before and on one hand he really hates the feelings and confusion and yet there's a part of him that's interested and likes them and wants more. He's very bipolar about it all too, so I'm not sure if he would hand her in to Magneto or not. It would probably just depend on his mood and if she'd done anything to piss him off right beforehand. lol. BTW, thank you for commenting on each chapter! I think I write now partially just to read your comments! :D
I'm so impressed with you ability to put out chapters so fast and keep the intensity level up. I've never been let down by an update and I'm sure I never will be. This awesome to read and it's nice to see a different take on Sabertooth.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! That's actually really lovely to hear about the intensity level as there's been a few chapters I've worried over, is this too much or too little for right now. I think the worst was probably when I wrote Chapter 16: You Smell Good, which ironically turned out to be my longest chapter so far. I just didn't know if I should go really dark or lighter and how I wanted to carry the story on from that. I must have rewrote the first few paragraphs like five or six different times. I think that chapter was probably the turning point for my Sabertooth too because in one of the versions I wrote a very very dark and demented absorption of him and that would have made him turn out a lot different in future chapters, but I think in the end I got him right where I want him and I'm happy that your enjoying my version of him. :) Glad to have you along for the ride!