The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
I get so excited avery time I see this update. Thank you!
Author's Response: You're very welcome and thank YOU for the lovely comment! Knowing people are reading and enjoying keeps me writing :D I'm aiming for two chapters tomorrow but we'll see how that goes cos I've got a pile of comic books sitting on my desk now begging to be read. Granted, they are good for "research" for my story. :D
Nadia! How can you leave us with this cliffie?!?!? LOL, just joking... not really, no really, no.. not really. I hate cliffies. LOL.
I can't ask you to update sooner, heck, you've been an updating machine. This chappie had so much going on in it. This is so great and I am NOT looking forward to the ending. Because that means you won't update anymore :-(
Author's Response: Awwww I feel bad now because I hate cliffies too but it was so much fun to write! I promise next chapter tomorrow. If i had it written id post tonight but I've only got a few scattered paragraphs, bad thing about writing as you go :/ But don't worry too much about the end yet. We're only just reaching the halfway point with this story (unbelievable i know but its turning into an epic under my nose) and the sequels already lined up :) you'll be getting my updates for awhile yet, long as you want them :D ill try to keep the cliffhangers to a minimum ;) so glad people are enjoying the story cos I'm excited about what's gonna happen in the future and your reviews keep me motivated :D xx
noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't leave it there! what happens next?!? is she ok?! gaah! i must know!!! ;-)
Author's Response: Can't give it all away in one go :D otherwise what would you have to look forward to tomorrow lol. Glad you liked the chapter I was surprised how long it ended up being but extremely pleased with myself for finding a way to get the fastball special in. Granted in the comics it's usually Colossus throwing Wolverine. I promise more tomorrow, that's my promise :)