The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Damn Marie is in a pretty dead end situation, Obviously barely making enough money to stay alive, if that.
Love how subtle and thorough this Logan is. Defiantly doing his homework before making his moves, but the breaking and entering could end up biting him in the ass.
Is Logan fight for fun and stress relief at this point? Since 50 some years working for Xavier should mean a whole lot cash.
And that asshole of a motel manager
Logan should have knock out some of his teeth.
This scenario is great, enjoying it a lot.
Author's Response: Rogue definitely is not having the life she hoped for when she left home.
Logan is trying to be careful this time round. About the breaking and entering, well Logan can be very stealthy when he wants.
Logan is fighting for fun. The cash is for pocket change, it would pay for day to day needs without having to draw off savings. In the comics, there are some hints that Logan is rich, he just never lets on.
I'm glad your enjoying it. And Logan is trying to keep his distance from Rogue, I didn't want her to become the damsel in distress that needed rescuing from her own life. When she needs rescuing it will be for other reasons.
Aww, sweet and sad. Really looking forward to more!
Author's Response: :) Thank you. I'll get more up as soon as it passes inspection.
Love that Logan is still playing the hero in some form :)
Author's Response: Logan is at his best playing the good guy. Thanks for commenting.
Brilliant, hope this story goes on for a while, so good!!
Author's Response: Thanks! RogueLotus must be rubbing off on me as I'm waist deep, with no end in site right now. This isn't even half of what I have written, so yes it will go on for a while.