The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Great chapter
Love how smooth Logan is, he is not just relying on his feral manliness to charm Marie.
I really like that Logan is taking his time out to know this Marie before make any serious overtures. Love the nice touching scene at the end.
I must say having a straight up slice of life Rogan story, makes for a very refreshing and relaxing read.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I wanted Logan's approach in this story to be different. He starts out only wanting to check on Marie and make sure she is okay. He had no plans to fall in love or woo her, that hit him out of the blue by just helping her out. I like the slice of life stories also, though there might be some action coming up, I'm still working on that.
Oh THIS is going wonderfully!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! Pretty please?!?!?
I can't wait to read about their day together!
Author's Response: *crosses fingers* I hope it lives up to your expectations.
Well, you have lured me in like a fine fisherman, please continue with this interesting tale.
Author's Response: I'm glad you are enjoying it. I'm working on the rest. :)
So cute how he's giddy about going out on a date with her!
Author's Response: I'm sure it isn't often that Logan gets giddy. ;)
Different indeed- hope he gives her a night to remember! Can't wait for more :)
Author's Response: I hope he shows her a good time too. Thanks for reading.
A new chapter of this is the perfect way to end this week :) this was great, sweet and sad, and more than a little sexy! Can't wait for more :)
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. I will get more up as soon as I get over the fact that I need to write about feelings. ;)