The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
I think I just died reading this. Hope hope hope to see more soon! x
Author's Response: Oh, please don't die! If you die, you can't read the next chapter!
Gritty and painful to read, yet so well written that I couldn't stop reading. Looking forward to following Marie on her journey.
It was inevitable really, you have me hook line and sinker, excitedly checking emails in the hope of seeing one in particular. Glad you're feeling like a strong writer again because we can all say it till were blue in the face but you're the one who needs to believe it and you should. You're words flow with intricacy, depth and detail yet theres a softness and ease when you read them. You hold the readers interest with ever one of them. Keep em coming :)
Absolutely! I would support you writing your grocery list, I'll bet it's the most well-written grocery list ever! Can't wait to see what happens next.
Author's Response: I'm so flattered, thank you!!!!