The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
I can hardly put this story down. So scary and sad, but with bits of fun and heart. Thanks!
Such a gut-wrenching chapter. Highs and lows, and hot and cold. Exhilarated by the physicality of their relationship, but deeply disturbed by what the camps showed. Excellent chapter again, looking forward to what's next!
This chapter left me in total awe of this wonderful fic.
Logan and Marie killed me at the end there, sorta heartbroken for them both that Marie thinks that they "can't" - hopefully she'll expand on that later, for Logan's sake. I'm assuming they will be touching again at some point, considering the nc-17 rating on this fic! Hope more soon!
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the incredibly kind words. <3 Trust me, we'll find out Marie's reasons, very soon. And a whole lotta touching still headed our way. Just pullin' a slow burn on you guys for now. Thank you again!