The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
So much awesomeness. I really love the psychology you have going for these interactions between Logan and Rogue. I like that she doesn't like not knowing him fully or him knowing her the way he knew *his* Rogue. It's all very visceral. Also, scorching hot - but you knew that! lol
Author's Response: Aww, shucks. Thank you so much for the review. I'm glad you liked the psychology between them- sometimes that's really tricky to figure out. Thank you so much for all the support!
Hahaha, yes the things we do for our children. Someday they'll appreciate it.
Anyways, LOVED the chapter! It felt so good reading them opening up to each other and committing to each other. But now I'm worried about Charles...
Author's Response: Tell me about it. But, as much as I like to complain, some things kids get to do are awesome, and then I feel like I have a free pass to go and do them again because my daughter is my free ticket in. (Like jumping on giant bouncy trampolines, playing on playgrounds, going to theme parks, etc.) :PrnrnHappy to hear you liked the chapter! <3
Goddamn. It started with a bang and ended with a sob. I am still loving this story so much and am sad that it seems to be following the path I think it is.
I want to strangle Logan a bit when he's ignoring the decline in the mutant population, and all the signs of the future as depicted in "Logan" are there... :( still, so much love for the effort and skill involved in writing this amazing story.