The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Favorite line: "The members of the junior team were improving. Most of them. Especially Jubilee and Bobby, the first of whom he liked in spite of himself and the second he didn’t, for no reason he could put his finger on."
I can always get behind a little Bobby bashing, and in this case it makes up for the Jean/Logan togetherness ;)
Author's Response: Aww!! That is my favorite too!
You've got my interest. I'll be looking out for updates. Thanks!
Author's Response: Thank **you**.
So intriguing! I have a guess, but I’ll keep it to myself for now. ;)
Author's Response: I hope it meets or exceeds your expectations.
I'm getting more and more curious. Really love the "back then" segment with rogue in the lab with Logan. Something I'd always wanted in the first movie.
I'll try not to subject Jean to too much hate for her involvement with this story (it's going to be hard!)
Phew, I feel relief that you didn't need to rewatch X3. Doesn't do anyone any good!! Hope more soon :)
Author's Response: Thank you so much; I'm glad you liked it.
It's great to see another chapter of this! Though I definitely think some penance is in your future for the Jean/Logan, lol. Feel free to not get too explicit with them, we can make up our own minds what she was doing in his bedroom ;) excited for more!
Author's Response: Believe me, it hurt my fingers to type it. I promise to repay every character of Jean/Logan interaction with twice as much Rogue/Logan. Thank you for reading, I hope to have more up soon!
I love thinking about Logan trying to teach Driver's Ed. lol I'm looking forward to more.
Author's Response: Lol. I wish he'd taught me.