The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Dang, this story is so cool! I am wondering about so many things and can't wait to discover them as they're laid out. Thank you!
Author's Response: Thank you thank you thank you! I'm thrilled you like it.
Damn! This is just so intriguing. Loving the back and forth between the two times. Cant wait for what's next!
Author's Response: Thank you!!! I'm thinking of alternating chapters now, with the timelines, to look at both more in-depth.
Oh I'm already loving this one! I can't wait to hear what awaits us on this one! It feels so original! :-)
I'm always glad to see some of my favourite authors coming back to Rogan! I hope your writer's block will leave you alone so that you can finish this great story. See, i'm already hooked. I need some Rogan after the heartbreak that was Days of future past and Logan...
Thank you!
Author's Response: I can't tell you how happy this made me. THANK YOU
Love it! Man, I'm so curious about the Logan and rogue relationship "back then" not to mention the future interaction in the not so distant future. Can't wait for more!!
Author's Response: **bounces up and down excitedly** Thank you so much!
I was thrilled to see another chapter of this up! I'm glad it is helping you get over your writer's block! I really love your imagery. "The sun dug into the back of his neck and his sleeveless arms like fingers, a massage of warmth. It sparkled off the hedges and the grass, shimmered above the gravel." I just really loved that description. The string of Christmas lights comparison was also great! I look forward to more!
Author's Response: I don't even know how to tell you how much this me smile. Thank you!
Ooh! So addicting! Could you please quit all your RL activities and work non-stop on the story? Hahahahaha. JK.... sorta’. ;)
Author's Response: If only lol. Thank you for this sweet review.
Wow, just never saw that coming, completely out of left field. You have my attention.
Author's Response: Thank you very much, Tamisnead. :)
Congrats on another amazing chapter. Not sure if I'm more on edge about the 'back then' part or the 'not too distant future' parts, but honestly, they are both so addictive. Excited to see Logan and rogue reunite, and hoping Jean won't ruin it too much! ;)
Author's Response: **squeals, pressing hands to cheeks** Thank you so much. You're the best.