The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Another excellent chapter! I hope Rogue teaches Logan a lessson because he deserves it!
Can't wait for the next chapter. May I get a little hint? Hehehe.
Author's Response: No, no hints :) Glad you are enjoying it though. Stay tuned for any possible lessons.
Okay... I've become addicited to this particular story. I can't help it. I love the whole creed/Logan/Rogue thing. Creed is like perfect, willing revenge for the rejection by Logan (intended or not), and anyways Victor is really similar to Logan. Especially in that dangerous, rough kinda way. Yummy. So I can't wait for chapter 11!
Author's Response: So happy you're addicted! Thank you. Yes, Creed is a wonder foil and we just love the dynamic between the three of them.
Chapter 11 on Thursday. Hope you enjoy it!
Awesome! I can't believe she let Creed do that to her (shocked). What does Creed look like? (the one from the movies or comics)?
Can't wait for the next update, keep up with the excellent work.
Author's Response: Laenwyn and I envisioned Creed more like his persona in the comics. Ultimate Sabretooth/current run. More depth than the movie version (which had no depth), not to mention a definite hotness factor. Scary and darker but still with sex appeal. Gotta make it believable that Rogue could be weak when it came to his attraction ;)
i almost kinda feel bad for creed... but then, it's logan on the other side. but logan is acting a bit thick. poor conflicted rogue.
Author's Response: Yes, conflicted Rogue. Don't think things are going to get any easier for her any time soon either. Logan may be getting a clue, but we know how he is. Sometimes as much a stubborn ox as he is a Wolverine. But he's just SO great :)
Okay, I pretty much live for this story to be updated (sad, I know *sigh*....but true). I cannot get enough! You ladies are complete and utter geniuses!!!
Please update ASAP!
Author's Response: Awh-I am so flattered! You just made me blush. I'm so happy that you are enjoying it. Laenwyn will blush too, I'm sure. :)
*bows* down to you, goddess of writing...LOL!! This story is getting so good. Can't wait for the next chapter. I hope Logan steps up and does something about this sexual tention or rogue is going to fall into Creeds arms which wouldn't be good at all. Anyway, I'm lovin it, hope to read a new chapter soon!! Keep up the good work
Author's Response: Mmmm - can't promise there won't be falling. But not to worry, Logan will step up. Grrrrr. God love him!
How far is Logan's head shoved up his ass again? Come on, bub, step up!
Author's Response: Oh he will, he will. Logan is the King of stubborn denial, but a woman like Rogue - I think she can break him!
I think the reader gets a taste of just how frustrated Rogue is by all this and that's great. I know at times I'm ready to scream at him right along with her. :)
OMG....come on, you can't leave us hanging like this. I love this story, but please don't let her fall for Creed....hell he was one of the one's that tried to kill her. He is just creepy. Logan is such a MAN....He knows he wants her, yet acts as though he don't and yet when someone else shows interest he freaks....even though that man is Creed (ewww) but still...He needs to get up off it and gives some love to Marie...LOL
Author's Response: Well, maybe she won't "fall" for Creed...but...just hang in there and see what happens. They have a long, twisted road ahead of them and Logan is up in the mix too so not to worry. And remember, this isn't movie Creed we're writing about. Comic version Creed is the inspiration for his character here, especially since movie Creed didn't do much and said even less :) Plus, comic Creed is scary sexy.
Oh man! This chapter was way too short! Well, matter how long it was, it would still not be enough! Another FAB installment. Can't wait for the next update.
P.S. What in the world are Logan and Creed up to?!
Author's Response: You won't have to wait too long, I think Laenwyn is posting the next chapter on Thursday...and you'll get to see what they're up to :)
I wonder what would happen if Rogue decided to go with victor instead of logan just to make logan mad? I mean that would really show him a thing or two about not really noticing rogue now wouldn't it?
Author's Response: Hmmm, it probably would, wouldn't it? Just you wait, we promise not to disappoint.
Jubes is just too cute.
I love the UST between R/L. Not minding it with R/V either. Logan is so gonna pound Victor's ass eventually, cause you know Creed is gonna cross the line.
Author's Response: Ofcourse Creed will cross the line because that's what he does. And I imagine there will be lots of snarling and beating as a result. Yay!
I admit, I like the R/L and the R/V, hence the reason we decided to write this triangle. They're so volatile and you know that no one will come out unscathed!
Jubes is great. I had fun writing her. Reminds me of one of my very outspoken friends that holds NOTHING back!
Thank you for following the story! :)
Um why are you and Laenwyn both posting the exact same story?
Author's Response: I know, sorry. It's a collaboration written by both of us but there's no way to archive it as a "joint" least not that we could find. If so, we'd just post it once. If we just listed it under her and anyone ever looked for the story under my pen - they'd never find it and vice versa. Now, if we find a way to tackle that issue, then any double posts will be deleted. Hope it's not too obnoxious *g*
OMG! This story ROCKS! I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep them coming!
Author's Response: Thanks :) and if I'm ever slow in archiving, you can find it under Laenwyn's penname also. We wrote it together.
oh...Vicky is playing diRty. I love it, more please. *cough*gologan*cough*
Author's Response: Vic always plays dirty :) That's all he knows.
Ooohhh! Yeah, a punch up over Rogue! This is awesome. Ugh, that Victor though, what a weasel.
Please don't make us wait long for the next chappie.
Author's Response: Hee hee, never mind, obviously you found chapter 2 :) but 3 should be up tomorrow sometime!
But Victor gets weasely-er (if that's even a word)
Great start! Is it almost update time yet? lol. Love the whole Logan/Marie/Victor dynamic-who would have thought?
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Second chapter is up now and the third should be up tomorrow. If I'm ever slow to archive, check under Laenwyn's penname because this is a collaborative fic and sometimes she's more on the ball about archiving than I am :)