The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
From 'wondering-penis' in part one to 'Bareback-rider' in part two, you had my sides aching from laughter with both of these fics - great dialogue.
LOL Loved both parts =) ...and Logan stuck in traffic with a pregnant Rogue =)
I was going to write an answer to the challenge on this same topic, but you beat me to it, and did a great job. My hat's off to you!
Don't they all say that *smirks* and it never works *rolls eyes*
Good one *LOL*
Have to say I didn't like that bareback rider -comment, but rest of this one was pure gold. Wasn't actually expecting this kind of sequel. Was a nice surprise! :) (bareback rider was funny, but I have hard time imagining either of them that careless, nothing else wrong with that one.)
great part two. I really enjoyed it. I loved the bareback rider part it made me laugh so hard. Keep up the good work.