The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Rule number 1 - never piss off Wolverine! great to see Logan still just as protective as ever, nice touch at the end when he calls her kid.
'It falls to the floor with a small plop.'
Was it wrong to laugh at that point? I just had a great visual complete with gentle sound effect!
That must be my fav Logan line: “Hands off, or hands off, bub.” ;-) It'll be really difficult not to steal it!
And meant to say that for the last maybe 50 years: It's great to see how perfectly familiar they are with each other, so very much at home - one of the great perks of stable relationships, I've always thought.
Author's Response: Go ahead and steal it. I stole it from my dad. He's a construction worker, and that saying relates pretty closely with circular saw... ;)
Awwww and Logan still calls Marie kid after all those years.
Author's Response: He wouldn't be Logan otherwise... ;)