The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Hehehe *purrs*
Okay, everybody ready? One, two, three: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Author's Response: AWWWWW... *cough* My cat wormed its way in this one. Real name Killi, just an ordinary cat that drives me crazy, and is currently meowing under my chair, trying to get more attention.
Great! The way we do not know who's speaking at first and, going on convention, assume that it's Marie - then it must be a child, only then it turns weird - and then it's weirder still and we (well, at least I ;-) have to go back over it again - really well done, and it makes perfect sense after that. Just great!
Author's Response: Thanks. I should be thanking for my construction teacher as well, without him I wouldn't be this tired and messed up, and Logan probably wouldn't be working his ass off in those tunnels. ;)