The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
great story, thanks for the sadness. I really needed it. *grrr* Good job though...
*crying, blubbering*
Sooooo saaaaaaad!
So sad but damn good!
*blows nose*
AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Hated it! Hated it! NO! No! Loved it! Loved it! AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Ok split the difference---Hate Angst, Loved the story...the wrath of Wolverine had better make up for this!!!
OMG! Crying here. Though I kinda thought that this would happen. Poor Logan.
Author's Response: I know it was kinda Clichéd but the challenge generator said you're dead and i'm sorry// window. So it came out to be a slightly depressing story. But I liked it and well it's raining here so it just kinda fit my mood.