The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
soooooooooooo what happens next?
Hah! Cockblocked by the LAW!
"Get. On. The. Flamin'. Bike."
once he's made his mind up he's not patient man our Logan is he!
great fic, brilliant ending - don't give up on continuing this series it's too good.
How can there not be more to this!!!!!
Hehehehe had to reread it... so is Tumble Dry Low gonna be the third story?
Author's Response: actually, TDL is somewhere further along - like the fifth or sixth. the third story's been half written for AGES... i seriously need to finish it... *opens Word*
Is this like day two? 'Cuz if it is then they're having one hell of a start to this thing. When do they knock over the liquor store? *g* :)
Author's Response: LOL! yes, this one is Day Two.
no liquor store robbery, although there's some fun in a laundromat coming up.... :D
no, nO, NO!! Gotta know what happens next!! CAN'T LEAVE IT THERE!!
Author's Response: awww... sorry about that. :(
the third story in this series is about half done, and has been for a while... i got stuck at one particular spot, left it until my Logan!Muse decided to cooperate, and, long story short, he keeps giving me the finger everytime i try to work on it. maybe if i bribed him with whiskey...
uh oh! This doesn't look good at all, well I guess you'll have to update like...right now would be good :)
Author's Response: lol! trust me, if i could get the Logan!Muse to cooperate, i'd have updated this series by now. i'm trying, but he's so damn stubborn sometimes!
hahaha. i love stories where Logan has to talk to a cop. it just makes my day
Author's Response: hee. thanks.
i enjoyed the mental image of Logan's Polite Face very much - and hey, where do i find some Logan Talks To A Cop fics? 'cause i will so read those.