The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
What a way to leave this chapter! So much potential for a great story! Hope you come back and finish :)
Argh! Criminal to leave a good first chappie hanging like that! come back!!!
Hey, now! You can't leave a scene like this hanging for three years -- that's a capital crime, don'tcha know??
So now, I am ordering you by all things Rogan to explain this situation forthwith!! ;) What is Rogue doing back in the past -- who brought her there -- why did Cyclops shoot @ the people he was supposed to be rescuing?
Hi. I just finished reading this story for the first time. It's really good. But I was wondering if you had any plans to continue it. Please consider finishing this story. It would be such a shame to leave it hanging.
Really interesting beginning. I hope you continue this story.
Interesting, very interesting.
Author's Response: Thank you, hopefully I'll have some more stuff to put up for you guys soon.
Holy Cow this is GOOD!! I cannot wait for the next chapter to find out why indeed, is Scott attacking them and what all else is going to happen with Logan and Rogue on the run.
Love this whole premise for a fic.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! I blame my new Doctor Who addiction for this idea.
Uh-oh what happened? Will the background story come up in next chapter because I'm a lot more confused that Rogue is. At least she has a Logan to cling to.... :P
Author's Response: Well I planned on having Storm and Scott go back to the mansion. See why they almost killed Rogue and Logan ;)<