Reviews For The Sun
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Reviewer: Wolf CrescentWalker Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 06/21/2007 11:40:08 PM Title: The Sun

There must be something powerful about writing a story on a Sabbat - 'The Sun' on the summer solstice - brilliant! And that cunning thinking showed in this story - this is probably the most power-packed chapter yet. Cheers!

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 06/21/2007 11:21:45 AM Title: The Sun

So sad. Poor, poor Jubes. Sacrificed by her "friends", abandoned by her "love", lied to by her father figure; it's no wonder she's dancing on the edge of sanity. I hope Moira can help her.

As for the 'Logan' family, it scares me a little that the kids are going to go with them. But I'm sure it makes Logan proud. I'm also pleased that he's able to now focus his anger on the one that is truly responsible. Everything that took place happened because of Xavier. His lies, his desires, his orders; it all flowed from him, the others were merely sheep to the slaughter - one way or another.

Very powerful chapter, Jo; the pain and sorrow, the anger and resentment, the resignation and strength that came from it all. Bravo! Encore!

Author's Response: Thank you honey, your very welcome, glad you came along for the ride on this one.Hugs Jo.

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