The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
LOLOL...TOO funny!! Loved the picture of all the 'brave' X-men edging away from a VERY P-O-ed Rogue...oh sure, they'll save the world, but they won't take on Rogue in a bad mood!!
ohhh... i love it... a little prequel to the Dear Trojan story...
LOL! Loved the part where she's leaning over the table, yelling, and everyone is edging away from Logan, moving their stuff. Laughe right out loud at that. YAY, story!
Really like it!
Haha oh my, was he going back to check each of the used condoms? Haha, too funny.
Oh, I love it. Very funny, even managed to put bitch Jean in it, always a plus in my book.