The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Every time I read more of this story I get more drawn in. Cant wait to find out what happens! Oh the posibilities....
ohhhh i loved it. I feel so bad for Rogue, Logan, Weapon and her brothers. that mask thing was cool. I love i coming out like that. I can't wait for the next chapter!
OMG i am SOOOO happy to see a sequel to A mask... I loved that one and I love this one. I can't wait for Logan and Marie to know the full story and to see how jean dies. Update soon!
Ohh wait I just noticed the story is finished! How can that be? There is so much more i need to know! Please don't leave it like this./ Please write more!
Author's Response: Nope, far from finished. Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed these chapters. I'll hopefully have more by the weekend if my rl doesn't get too hectic again!
I like the story so far but it is a little dark (at least for me) but you really got my interest, looking forward to the next chapter.
Does Rogue still have that mask?
Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback. I'd tell you if she did but that's coming out in another chapters so I'm gonna keep you in suspence.