The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
awwww, that's sweet, they're dating.
but i wouldn't have objected to a nice smutty fuck on the kitchen table LMAO!
"Now that we have established that you’re a perverted asshole"
hell yeh he is LOL.
i love the silly nicknames you've given them.
LOL@heat seeking thermometer...more like a missle darlin'!
heh heh the image of Wolvie curled around the radiator is great
oh ara you know how i love your stories. i read this a while back and never reviewed and since insomnia appears to be my friend tonight i figured i'd take a peek at this one again.
the image of Wolverine shuffling around in a Care Bears blankie and over mitts is too precious not to giggle over!
Okay, I'm hooked now. I gotta admit: the Pepe and Tweety thing is a bit off-putting (seems out of character, but maybe that's what you were going for), but the plot thickens and I like it!
Author's Response: ...And it's finished. :) Yes. Pepe and Tweedy were intentional, tried to think those two goofing off a bit. Break up the vicious angst-fic cycle I seem to have gotten in to. Had to make an effort to keep angst out of this one.
Sooooo where the hell is the next chapter or next part!?
You can't stop there that's just plain cruel!
Good story though ^_^
“Could you stop poking me with your thermometer?”
“Then what the hell are we waiting for, Pepe? Let’s start dating.”
and you're just gonna leave it there???? WAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!
(but I do love the nicknames!! Kinda fits 'em both!)
Author's Response: For now this is finished. But if an urge to watch Looney Toones with my kid strikes again... Who knows?
And exactly how worried should I be when I can picture Logan and Marie to virtually anything? Starting from the bloodiest splatter to children's cartoons? I'm a sick, sick girl...
...All the Looney Toon pet names scare me. O.O But the idea of Logan sleeping in Wily cayote sheets-- Too cute!
Ahaha, foof is really nice too. I don't mind whatever it is, as long as you're the one writing it, I'm always more than satisfied. ^.~
Now, I have no clue as to where this is going.
This is quite puzzling, really. I pride myself on being able to see the outline of plots after only a few paragraphs most of the time, but here I must give up and admit that you win.
And that tickles my curiosity in an unhealthy way. I'm afraid I'm slightly obsessed with this, now.
(but in a very, very good way)
Author's Response: No angst or blood and guts in this one. No uglies. This may be considered even as foof. Just a fair warning.