The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
OM NOM NOM! Great Chapter~ Can't wait till you finish! Feel sorry for poor Rouge soon to have to deal with Sabortooth in her head X___X that'll suck... Wonder how Wolvie will react?
If he'll ever tell her his name or what.
Haha, Poor Theo just can't get any respect can he? Everyone keeps ignoring him.. of course it would probably help if he said something other than "Get away from the bars! D3
Well anyway, can't wait till you update~
Author's Response: Thanks. I can't wait till I update either. I promise I haven't forgotten about this fic, its just hard to sit down and get in the mind set of writing for it during school insanity. lol, I love Theo. I have to -remind- myself to make him say that. ;)
Woah... fan-freakin-tastic story!!! And let me internally scream at my frustration of having it end HERE!! I don't think I'll survive the wait for an update.
I love your Wolverine.
I love your Rogue.
I love your Sabretooth. In that very scared of him kind of way.
I really like how you're taking the time to show the two developing a sort of truce-like relationship. I can't help but wonder how things are going to shift now that they've forced her to absorb Creed. So many possibilities!
I am eagerly awaiting your update!
Author's Response: I'm seriously gonna try. Thank you for all the looooooooooooove. :) Schools out in a week and I hope to write like a mad woman.
Woah... fan-freakin-tastic story!!! And let me internally scream at my frustration of having it end HERE!! I don't think I'll survive the wait for an update.
I love your Wolverine.
I love your Rogue.
I love your Sabretooth. In that very scared of him kind of way.
I really like how you're taking the time to show the two developing a sort of truce-like relationship. I can't help but wonder how things are going to shift now that they've forced her to absorb Creed. So many possibilities!
I am eagerly awaiting your update!
Uh huh! I wonder what's going to happen now......Update soon!
Author's Response: I'll do my best. :)
Cashmere - velvet - pretty. Favourite colours.
A glimpse into a life deprieved of humanity - very skilfully crafted how the two worlds differ.
Glad to see how Rogue is the stronger of the two in all "human skills" - very crdible how she is not his inferior. That's definitely one of my fav points, and it supports the stark contrast between Wolverine and human beings.
Good style twist to report most conversations indirectly - it's shorter that way, more condensed, and fits Wolverine's style while giving us Marie's information: style mirrors content.
For all her verve and wisdom, there's still a bit of the child left: "So he wasn’t a guinea pig, that’s what labs have. The military has weapons."
But also quite a bit of woman there: "When she treated him like a man he usually responded like one, right down to telling her to be quiet." I really had to laugh at that.
And underneath it all, there is a beast even with her: "her skin was hungrily pulling Sabretooth in." Like in every human being.
Keep going, let Wolverine sort out your teachers!
Author's Response: It almost Thanksgiving Break, so I should have time to write. Thanks for all the love. :)
wow, loved the ending, can't wait to see how she handles sabertooth in her head. Please update soon I really love this fic.
Author's Response: Gonna try, thanks! :)
I loved the Wolverine and Rogue bonding.
But I hope Rogue is okay after absorbing Sabertooth. Maybe she can get Wolverine to take care of her :P
Author's Response: ..through metal bars? That would be a trick. >:D
Shit! Sorry but that was the first thing on my mind...
I hope that they can escape... maybe Sabretooth's powers can help.
Author's Response: lol, I think shit is a great review. :) We shall see...
oh wow thats horrible for her!!!! Love how Rogue and Wolverine are gtting along. Now if only Rogue would suck all of Sabretooth in and get his healing for good.
Author's Response: Well, really, everything has sort of been horrible for here, so why would today be any different? :)
She's gonna get somethin', that's for sure. Thanks!
ohhh yay an update! great chapter! I love Rogue refusing to help. Her strength of will makes me smile. I also love her concern for Logan even when she is pissed. Please update again soon.
Author's Response: lol, its pretty bad when the fact that I actually updated the story is the best part of the chapter. :)
Yeah, I sort of see Rogue as my 'superhero' in this one. Strong sense of right and wrong. But, um, wearing a neckbrace for the upcoming chapters! XD
Yay. Wolvie can finally talk!
haha. I love how they bribe Rogue with cashmere. :]
I can't wait to see more of Wolverine and Rogue.
Author's Response: I don't think he's as happy about it as you are. :)
Yeah, I give her props, if I hadn't been wearing actually clothes for nearly four years I'd crumble for some cashmere!
More to come, promise, bout four or five chapters I figure. (and things are going to get interesting from here--MUHAHAHAHA! *cough*ifIcanfindtimetowrite*cough*)
Oh my gawd he speaks for real... *faints*
Author's Response: He had to! With all that blabbering she was going how could he not get a word in? :D
awww poor Logan and Marie. I feel so bad for them!
Author's Response: They appreciate the sympathy. :)
i love fic's like this, I really like this, can't wait to read the next update.
Author's Response: I love that you really like it. Try and have the next one soon for ya. :)
Hope your teachers come down with 'flue, bubonic plague and ingrown toenails! I've been PINING for this story to continue!!!
Totally love the dinner scene and the image of the show - can picture it perfectly. Also like the picture of Wolverine you are painting - seems to be more like Comic Wolverine, of the very heavy-built sort.
And it's great how Rogue maintains the light and sassy tone that counteracts the gloomy atmosphere.
Glad you are taking such a measured pace in her getting to know him - the little quirks of his "beet face", how she's slowly getting used to him watching her, the slow discovery of body features (without focusing on the "OMG is he hot part"; thanks a BUNCH for that!).
Love how HE'S so slow, and so completely unused to the idea of team-forming and borthers-in-arms support, and how no-one inside the story or outside it can really gauge him.
Author's Response: lol!! Let's come just a life will do the trick, huh?
She's got a lot of time to 'study' him, and I don't know if you're in that situation you finally anyone hot, or if you do it is high up on your priority list.
Yeah, I wanted to try my hand at this kind of Logan, the story just kind of developed around it. She's sassy because while she was removed from the general public years ago she was never removed from 'humanity' in the labs-she still had people and converstations, etc. Now she's seeing what really being stripped out of the equation is like.
Hopefully I can update sooner than later, thank you! :D
Awww poor Wolvie.
Oh my he said two words that's almost chatty.
Author's Response: I think it definitely qualifies. :)
i really like this story, it's a bit different from many of the others i've read on here. but i've also noticed that everyone here has there own unique style. keep going i'm looking forward to where this is heading.....Smiles.
Author's Response: I always strife for 'a bit different' :) And the style thing is definitely true, because I've tried to change mine up and it never seems to, but what ya gonna go? Thank ya, I'll do my best. :)
Oh come on Mr. Growly we all know you can speak ;)
Author's Response: Mr. Growly... *giggles* Can he? Maybe he's like one of those parrots people train to say dirty things. :)
This is getting better after every new chapter. With this last one it almost felt like I was sitting right there with them, watching as they shared their meal, and even if it made me feel a little queasy, it was an enjoyable experience. So... Is Wolverine's state something that Marie can expect from herself after a while? Even though I love your Wolvie in this one, it's a love born from pity rather than anything else. Eep. Shouldn't have started reading this, and now I can't stop!
Author's Response: Thats an affliction I'm okay with you suffering. :)
Thank you! I never know what's going to happen. Okay, well I have an idea, but lets just say that they're in the same situation, so....
awww interaction. Loved it. Like their conversation. Logan grunting nd nodding. LOL Can't wait for more.
Author's Response: Yep, no attacks so their conversation has *vastly* improved. Thanks :)
One word says it all. I loved that. Loved the interaction between Logan and Marie even if he did attack her and didn't say but one word. I can't wait to read more! Plese update soon
Author's Response: "even if he did attack her" Hahaha! I don't know why but that cracked me up. Thanks, I'll try not to dissapoint. :D
Well it speaks...
Can't wait for more.
Nothing wrong with The Chipmunks unless they run around in a prison/lab... I see the three guards with big teeth, looking very scary...
Author's Response: I'm not quite sure 'it' exactly speaks. Its swears, at any rate. And thats a good start. :)
each chapter you post just reels me further nd further into this story. I loved this chapter. Mrie's fiestyness is fun to read. I can't wait to see what happens next
Author's Response: Yay. :)
I'm about half done with the next chapter now.
*tunes fishing pole* muahahaha! >:D
*giggles, falls over*
Singing and dancing rodents are damn scary *shudders*
Oh I can guess who the two guys in the cells are... one sure is a big growling pussy cat (he's gonna kill me for calling him that) and the other is a very hot looking guy we all love...
more please
Author's Response: Wow. You must be telegraphic or something. :) School was cancelled today, so hopefully I'll be a writing machine.
...I love the Chipmunks. :l
very interesting. I am hooked. Please continue........ quickly
Author's Response: Its sorta like 'exam week' at school for some reason, but I'm trying to. Tonight or tomorrow there should be a new chap. Thanks. :)