The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
I love this story! It's a new fav! I really liked the twist where instead of Scott and/or the X-Men disapproving, they actually THROW them together! CUTE! The only problem is we didn't see what they named the baby! I like James Henry (poor Hank aught to get something for being growled at for doing his job!); what do you guys think?
Great story. I loved it. :D
I created a profile just so I could review this story! This is such a beautiful story and never get bored of reading it. Love your writing and look forward to any new stories. This and A Change to Colour are amazing. Thanks.
had me sitting here literally reading frantically because you kept shooting back and fourth between the birthing scene and the pregnancy and I got so engrossed that I actually said out loud, half way through, "I'm just so worried about the baby"
Story sucked me in that much-totally spell bounding in that oh so adorable way
absolutely brilliant cant say much more than that - i loved it
Ooohhhhhhh! So sweet and sugery and shippery!! *snif* I loved it!
awwwww! *grins*
"the day the baby kicked me for the first time--lying in bed, startling Logan completely and utterly awake, feeling the slide of his fingers across my abdomen, utter amazement in the dark eyes. He slid down the bed and pressed a hand against me and didn't move the rest of the night. "
I loved it!:)