The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Such a beautiful ending! So emotional, that she's putting into words exactly what he feels.
So funny, 'Ro's anger, it being so bad that she's actually letting the weather be affected! And we all thought she was lil'miss control and composed! I giggled at the rattling glassware in the cabinet! Nicely done!!
Aww, so passionate and sexy and sweet. Really beautiful!
I read this in the archive months ago. It's a simpler tale than I usually imagine for M&L, but that's what I appreciate about it. They found it, where they weren't expecting. And the softness was acceptably soft because there had been bad-ass-toughness and grit before.
And when she told him that touching people had always felt a little like sex and that touching him was what she regretted least, he grabbed her and fucked her till she screamed and then he kissed and licked and touched her till she cried, and afterwards she whispered, “This is exactly what touching you felt like.”
My favorite bit. Great flow, it trips off the tongue. Great sentiment, I love the open simple pain and pleasure of it for Rogue.